Q&A with Philippe Guiheneuc, Marketing Director at Akio

Philippe Guiheneuc is the Marketing Director at Akio, a company that provides customer experience software platforms. It proposes cross-channel solutions that help you with customer engagement management, voice of the customer analysis and brand reputation monitoring.

In this Q&A, Philippe speaks about customer satisfaction, CRM, marketing strategies, challenges, branding, and more.

MEDIA 7: What inspired you to get into Marketing?
Coming from a family of officials, farmers and painters, I discovered the world of business at the ESSEC business school in Paris. I carefully avoided three subjects: Computer Science, with its flashy green dashboards on a black background, Accounting, for its remarkable ability to make me lose patience, and Selling, because I could not bear to be told no. Consequently, my first job was to sell accounting software!

Only fools refuse to change their mind. So I may be half intelligent, because althoughI have discovered a passion for businesswith its three components (communication-marketing-sales) and innovation, to the point of teaching storytelling in business schools, unfortunately I remain insensitive to the poetry of a P&L.

That's why I chose to work at Akio. Respect for customers is no longer just a professional obligation but an extraordinary lever for growth. Thanks to the Akio.Cx platform, I contribute a little bit every day to make life easier for customer agents, and that's what makes me happy.

M7: What core issue does Akio.Cx software aim to address and what sets it apart from the competition?
Akio is the editor of the omnichannel call centre platform Akio.Cx. Our core mission is to turn complexity into simplicity!

In the context of increased competition, the quality of the response delivered to clients has become a major stake for all companies. However, the job of a customer advisor is becoming increasingly complex as customers use new channels to interact with companies.

With the customer service platform Akio.Cx, the customer service will develop a personalised experience for its clients, regardless of which channel they choose (phone, e-mail, chat, social media, etc.), thanks to unified client knowledge that is reinforced by semantic analysis.

In 20 years, Akio has built a solid base of references among the largest French companies (AxaBanque, Banque de France, MGEN, URSSAF, Air France, Interflora, Engie, GrDF; Sarenza, Kiabi, Arkea, BPI France Cora, LPM Dyneff, Grep, Ircem, Photoweb, Sandoz, MTP, VMmag, MSD, CAFAT, CGSS, OPT, Bruneau, AMDM, etc.)

Initially, the platform was provided ‘on-premise’, then through a ‘hybrid’ model, and since 2017 it’s provided as a ‘SaaS’ tool.

Recently, Akio announced a global partnership with Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise that will offer the Akio.Cx platform to all of its 800,000 customers. This alliance is coupled with a project linked to the notion of the "augmented agent", i.e. high-tech tools made available to customer service representatives to facilitate their work and help them gain in efficiency.

"Corporate executives have realised that with the web and social networks, a dissatisfied customer can create a devastating effect by communicating his dissatisfaction to all his contacts."

M7: How are your customer and prospect needs and values changing? How will these changes affect the decision-making of customers and prospects? What are the best methods followed by your marketing team at Akio to capture these shifts and trends quickly and reliably?
Our decision-makers are the Customer Relationship Managers. They manage platforms for customer agents, their objective being to ensure customer satisfaction, while improving contact centre productivity. This is a balancing act, all the more difficult as the pressure increases every day. In fact, corporate executives have realised that with the web and social networks, a dissatisfied customer can create a devastating effect by communicating his dissatisfaction to all his contacts.

Company value is directly correlated to customer satisfaction, as shown for years by the ACSI (American Customer Satisfaction Index), which is increasingly used by financial analysts to predict a company's short-term stock market value.

As a result, in recent years, customer services have been receiving increasingly large budgets for modernisation. These budgets concern in particular the acquisition of software such as Akio.Cx. According to Gartner, Customer experience (CX) and CRM posted the highest growth among all application software markets, and remained the largest enterprise software market in 2018, with more than $48.2 billion in sales.

At the same time, the customer relationship business is becoming increasingly complex. Customer service agents have to manage extensive catalogues of offers.

Regulations are constantly changing and expanding, forcing them to comply with increasingly cumbersome procedures. Customers are more demanding (an Akio-LSA study has shown that two-thirds of them are ready to change brand if they are not satisfied from the first interaction). Above all, the channels of exchange are multiplying. In addition to the telephone, traditional post and email, chat, Facebook Messenger and Twitter are being added, and soon other channels such as video or instant messaging.

Understanding this evolution is essential for Akio to continue to offer adapted and efficient offers to its customers. To achieve this, we privilege three axes of development:

- Contact with our customers, in the form of monthly meetings and quarterly workshops to discuss business perspectives. Of course, these exchanges are complemented by the daily relations that our Customer Success Managers maintain with our customers.

- Observation of the analyses reported by our ecosystem of partners, in particular the reports and white papers published by analysts such as Gartner, Forrester, Forbes, IDC and Markess, along with our competitor’s literature.

- Finally, studies carried out by Akio, most often in partnership with a specialist, to better understand a specific point on which there is no survey or study. In particular, we were the first to identify that the well-being of their teams was more important to the Customer Relationship Managers than the achievement of customer satisfaction objectives.

M7: How do you approach branding your company, its products, and services? What’s your go-to resource – websites, newsletters, any other to stay in touch with the critical changes occurring in the digital space?
When it comes to branding, the first step is to develop a clear message. This message reflects the company's vision, which is based on our understanding of the needs of the market, as well as the promise of value and the guarantee that this promise will be kept. Akio's core message (see the answer to your 2nd question) is the guiding line of all our communications.

It is declined in several ways depending on the audience we address, the situation and the delivery method used. We use both traditional media such as brochures, emailing campaigns or stands attrade shows, as well as more original formats (infographics, workbooks, forums, demonstration videos...). More generally, although our clients are sensitive to traditional approaches, our marketing is evolving towards more digital. The other major trend is the production of content, for which we strive to maintain a high level of quality. Whether it is an article, a white paper or a study, each new content produced by Akio must bring something never heard, such as a new information or an innovative analysis.

"With an ever-increasing level of customer demand, software editors, like all companies, have an interest in proving that they are selling not just a product but a complete experience."

M7: Can you share some top challenges that contact centres face when transitioning to an omnichannel approach?
They are of three types: strategic, managerial and technological.

- Strategic: The goals that customer service sets for itself by adding new interaction channels will have an impact on the way they are implemented. For example, our customer DHL implemented the chat channel in addition to phone and email, originally to reach a specific audience of digital natives. But the new channel was quickly adopted by a large part of their audience, so they had to set new productivity targets to compare the effectiveness of the different channels and measure the performance of the omnichannel approach, such as the ability of the agent to process a request more quickly using multiple channels.

- Managerial: The skills for answering a call are not the same as those for writing an email, or responding to a Facebook message. Therefore, the contact centre has the choice between recruiting multi-skilled advisors and training them to use all channels or building teams that are specialised by channel. The second type of organisation does not prevent an omnichannel approach as long as the tool used allows on the one hand to centralise all the information in a customer file, and on the other hand to share it between agents. So far, the choice seems to depend essentially on the existing organisation and the willingness of management to decompartmentalize the channels.

- Technological: Although it seems obvious that an omnichannel approach must be based on omnichannel software, few software programs are actually really omnichannel. Most of them pile up technological bricks that communicate with each other. This is enough for the daily life of customer service agents, but such tools, which are not very agile, quickly become fragile as soon as they need to be upgraded. In addition, they do not offer consolidated statistics across all channels, which limits the measurement of customer service performance.

M7: What lessons have you learnt from your time at Master 2 Marketing that you have applied to the marketing strategies at Akio?
I teach digital communication and brand content in Master 2 marketing in a business school in Paris. Contrary to Akio, whose activity is 100% B2B, brand content, which I practiced a lot in a previous experience, is B2C oriented. More generally, the notion of "brand" is insufficiently exploited among software publishers. However, with an ever-increasing level of customer demand, software editors, like all companies, have an interest in proving that they are selling not just a product but a complete experience.

At Akio, I helped accelerate this marketing transformation. Our marketing and sales discourse was very technical, very product-oriented; it remains so, but we have added a "customer experience" dimension. For example, instead of listing the product functionalities in the form of concepts and benefits ("Integrates an AI engine", "Workflow management", "Report generator") we now present the functionalities as part of the user journey in the form of a graphic design

At a strategic level, we redefined Akio’s communication guidelines based on the essential message, then redesigned all our marketing supports and campaigns according to those guidelines. This gives consistency to our communication and helps audiences remember Akio.

"When it comes to branding, the first step is to develop a clear message. This message reflects the company's vision, which is based on our understanding of the needs of the market, as well as the promise of value and the guarantee that this promise will be kept."

M7: How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected your work - what day to day processes have you had to re-tool to be able to pull them off remotely? What does your remote tech stack look like?
As an IT company, Akio is well equipped for teleworking - some of the teams were already doing it long before the coronavirus crisis. Because we work in the field of customer relations, we regularly manage sensitive periods with our customers, for instance when they face a peak inactivity. The period of lockdown and the lifting of lockdown have therefore not caused any major upheaval in our business. For example, Akio has not had to use the administrative unemployment scheme; on the contrary, we seek at all times to increase the production capacity of the teams.

This is particularly true of the teams of IT developers, because they are organised in Agile mode, a work organisation that easily adapts to remote working.

M7: How does Akio manage multiple marketing divisions effectively? What type of storytelling experiences do you produce for social media channels?
Akio is an SME with a small marketing team, which facilitates a horizontal management where each marketer is responsible for his own scope of activity. Regarding our actions on social networks, we try to respect the spirit of web 2.0, namely "give to get": our contents and stories are intended to bring information or entertainment to the public, with no other counterpart than brand valorisation.

For example, we produced a study on how contact centres were organised to deal with the coronavirus crisis. Following a survey of nearly 60 customer relationship managers, we published an analytical report that provides useful trends on management options and technological choices made to deal with the crisis. This report, in French, has been made freely available to the market and was shared on social networks. 

M7: Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise Selects Akio to Deliver New CCaaS Hybrid Offering. What is your role in meeting partnership expectations? How do you go about assessing their needs?
The collaboration of the marketing department in this alliance project focused on the study of needs and the definition of offers.

An important part of the study work was carried out upstream of the discussions by the marketing teams of each partner. It was mainly a question of comparing and aligning our visions of the market. A few meetings were necessary, but in fact the analysis of the two companies was very close and this part of the work was easy.
More complicated was the definition of the offer, since each of our products propose a wide range of features.

As this is a high-tech field, using various engineering techniques (telephony, digital techniques, collaborative tools, cloud...), product marketing was largely driven by the Product Owners of the two partners. Along with the development and infrastructure engineers, they drew the outlines of what the new offer will be. Marketing and communication had an advisory role. It helped to maintain the consistency of the offer with the expression of market needs, and will also contribute, in due course, to making this offer known to the public through a coordinated plan of communication actions.

M7: If I were to say to a bunch of people who know you, ‘Give me three adjectives that best describe you,’ what would I hear?
Maybe committed, cerebral and enthusiastic.
As with everyone else, none of these adjectives are easy to hold. Keeping on course with the essential line of one's existence is a constant struggle.


Customers are everywhere and can contact the brand at any time, through any available channel.

The Akio.Cx platform by Akio allows your Customer Relation teams to deliver an omnichannel customer experience: telephone, e-mails, chat, Facebook Messenger and Twitter are natively unified in one user-friendly single tool.

Call centres and outsourcers, worldwide, are using the AI powered Akio.Cx platform and its Analytics module to enhance their agents and transform supervisors & managers into client satisfaction super-heroes!


Q&A with Christopher Marriott, President and Founder at Email Connect LLC

Media 7 | February 9, 2021

Christopher Marriott, President and Founder at Email Connect LLC, is a recognized expert in the process of connecting leading brands with the right marketing technology partners and platforms. Before founding Email Connect as a consultancy focused exclusively on the ESP/CRM/CDP vendor selection process, Chris served as a tenured executive at Acxiom, leading and building its Global Digital and Email Agency Services team into one of the industry’s top services providers. He is also a regular columnist on email marketing and the RFP process and is an adviser to several emerging marketing technology companies including AudiencePoint and Shotzr....

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Q&A with Tyler Lessard, VP Marketing, Vidyard

MEDIA 7 | April 3, 2019

Tyler Lessard, VP Marketing of Vidyard has been recently named as an Epic Marketer by Marketo. In this interesting Q&A, Tyler takes us through his marketing journey and shares with us the value of technology in an era where videos are not just visually replenishing, but are also empowering the customer service teams in more ways than one. MEDIA 7: What were you doing prior to your current position? TYLER LESSARD: Prior to joining Vidyard as VP Marketing, I spent 10 years at BlackBerry, building out their developer relations program and global partner community. It was an incredible opportunity to learn the importance of relationship building and strong storytelling on a global scale, and the need to simplify how we articulate and position the value of technology for line-of-business customers. M7: What are the changes that video hosting and management have undergone over the past couple of years at Vidyard? TL: In recent years we’ve seen the conversation with businesses change from “why should I invest in video” to “how do I unlock the power of video across my marketing, sales and customer service teams”. This has driven us to focus on delivering new solutions through the lenses of these key audiences and what they are really trying to achieve. We’re now helping marketing teams increase audience engagement with personalized and interactive video experiences, boost conversion rates on digital channels with optimized video experiences within their websites and email marketing, and accelerate deal cycles using video engagement data within their marketing automation platforms to qualify prospects. We’re helping sales development reps stand out and increase their response rates using personalized video messages sent via our Vidyard GoVideo app. And we’re helping customer service teams reduce call volumes and increase customer satisfaction with video-based knowledge articles embedded within customer communities. It’s all about helping businesses leverage video in new ways to improve the customer experience and generate more revenue....

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'Make the customer the hero,' says Chris Kim, Director of Social Media at Airtable

Media 7 | March 10, 2022

Chris Kim, Director of Social Media at Airtable shares some of his best practices to creating engaging and customer-centric social media marketing campaigns, and the impact that community and influencer marketing have on strategic marketing strategies. In this interview with Media 7, Chris speaks about the development of the role and importance of the social media professional to become a key contributor in strategic marketing conversations within organizations. Read on to find out how marketing teams can leverage different social media channels using data-driven insights to understand what works on each channel....

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Q&A with Christopher Marriott, President and Founder at Email Connect LLC

Media 7 | February 9, 2021

Christopher Marriott, President and Founder at Email Connect LLC, is a recognized expert in the process of connecting leading brands with the right marketing technology partners and platforms. Before founding Email Connect as a consultancy focused exclusively on the ESP/CRM/CDP vendor selection process, Chris served as a tenured executive at Acxiom, leading and building its Global Digital and Email Agency Services team into one of the industry’s top services providers. He is also a regular columnist on email marketing and the RFP process and is an adviser to several emerging marketing technology companies including AudiencePoint and Shotzr....

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Q&A with Tyler Lessard, VP Marketing, Vidyard

MEDIA 7 | April 3, 2019

Tyler Lessard, VP Marketing of Vidyard has been recently named as an Epic Marketer by Marketo. In this interesting Q&A, Tyler takes us through his marketing journey and shares with us the value of technology in an era where videos are not just visually replenishing, but are also empowering the customer service teams in more ways than one. MEDIA 7: What were you doing prior to your current position? TYLER LESSARD: Prior to joining Vidyard as VP Marketing, I spent 10 years at BlackBerry, building out their developer relations program and global partner community. It was an incredible opportunity to learn the importance of relationship building and strong storytelling on a global scale, and the need to simplify how we articulate and position the value of technology for line-of-business customers. M7: What are the changes that video hosting and management have undergone over the past couple of years at Vidyard? TL: In recent years we’ve seen the conversation with businesses change from “why should I invest in video” to “how do I unlock the power of video across my marketing, sales and customer service teams”. This has driven us to focus on delivering new solutions through the lenses of these key audiences and what they are really trying to achieve. We’re now helping marketing teams increase audience engagement with personalized and interactive video experiences, boost conversion rates on digital channels with optimized video experiences within their websites and email marketing, and accelerate deal cycles using video engagement data within their marketing automation platforms to qualify prospects. We’re helping sales development reps stand out and increase their response rates using personalized video messages sent via our Vidyard GoVideo app. And we’re helping customer service teams reduce call volumes and increase customer satisfaction with video-based knowledge articles embedded within customer communities. It’s all about helping businesses leverage video in new ways to improve the customer experience and generate more revenue....

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'Make the customer the hero,' says Chris Kim, Director of Social Media at Airtable

Media 7 | March 10, 2022

Chris Kim, Director of Social Media at Airtable shares some of his best practices to creating engaging and customer-centric social media marketing campaigns, and the impact that community and influencer marketing have on strategic marketing strategies. In this interview with Media 7, Chris speaks about the development of the role and importance of the social media professional to become a key contributor in strategic marketing conversations within organizations. Read on to find out how marketing teams can leverage different social media channels using data-driven insights to understand what works on each channel....

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NUSO Acquires Integrated Customer Experience Software-as-a-Service Company

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Webvar Announces Launch of New Platform for Channel Partners

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Ingram Micro | December 12, 2023

Ingram Micro is enabling thousands of channel partners worldwide to do more with more as a Premier Amazon Web Services (AWS) Consulting Partner and an award-winning Geo and Global AWS Distributor Partner of the Year recipient. Demonstrating its deep and wide technical knowledge and professional services expertise, Ingram Micro has been honored by AWS with two high profile wins – 2023 Global Distributor Partner of the Year and North America Distributor Partner of the Year. Both awards recognize Ingram Micro for playing a key role in helping channel partners worldwide accelerate success and move businesses to AWS through all phases of complex migration projects, including discovery, planning, migration, and operations. The North America honor is a back-to-back win for team Ingram Micro. Announced during AWS re:Invent 2023, the Geo and Global AWS Distributor Partner of the Year Awards shine the spotlight on Ingram Micro’s high-performing team and continued investments in advanced AWS technical talent, professional services and cloud migration competencies. “Through a strategic alliance with AWS, Ingram Micro has played a pivotal role in empowering Keystone Technologies to take the lead in healthcare EHR data solutions,” says Andy Belval, Chief Revenue Officer, Keystone Technologies. “Ingram Micro’s expertise in cloud solutions, coupled with a dedicated relational partner approach, not only enhances their own business value but also significantly contributes to Keystone Technologies’ ability to deliver better outcomes and cost savings for our healthcare customers.” In 2023, Ingram Micro’s AWS business continued to grow with more and more partners leveraging Ingram Micro to progress through their AWS Partner Network (APN) journey. Ingram Micro navigates AWS partners through APN programs while also expanding their services capabilities including assessment, design, deployment, and management of cloud migrations with greater speed. Additional differentiators to Ingram Micro’s success with AWS channel partners include its wide and deep executive relationships, as well as its Center of Excellence, strategic acquisitions of technical talent, and expansion of its Professional Services portfolio as it relates to cloud and migration services. “Ingram Micro’s early adoption of Cloud, understanding of an entrepreneur's needs and focus on the success for us to become one of their largest AWS resellers is what we were looking for in a distribution partner to grow our business and improve our value in the eyes of our customers,” says Dao Jensen, CEO of Oak Rocket. Ingram Micro provides channel partners access to experienced talent and professional services that can help them accelerate the customer cloud adoption journey including the technical personnel, tools, education, technology, and technical support needed to ideate, deploy, and manage AWS solutions. “AWS is a gold mine of opportunity for an MSP yet remains a heavy lift for most,” says Duncan Robinson, vice president, growth partnerships, Ingram Micro. “We’re here to help our channel partners optimize their sales cycle and effectively design, deploy, and manage AWS solutions that improve the customer’s experience, performance, reliability, and agility, while reducing the total cost of ownership.” Ingram Micro’s long-standing and successful relationship with AWS includes earning several AWS Competency and AWS Service Delivery designations in recent years, including being the first global distributor to earn the AWS Migration Competency and more recently being awarded the AWS Data & Analytics Competency. Other designations include the AWS Cloud Management Tools (CMT) Competency, the AWS DevOps Consulting Competency, and the AWS Config Service Delivery designation. “The experience that Mxmart has had working with Ingram Micro as a strategic partner of AWS has been fundamental for our growth,” says Dario Gomez, CEO Mxmart Solutions. “The support we’ve received technically, commercially, and via programs has added invaluable strength to our company.” About Ingram Micro Ingram Micro is the business behind the world’s brands with the ability to reach nearly 90 percent of the world’s population. Our diverse solutions portfolio includes advanced and specialty solutions, cloud, mobility, and commercial/consumer technologies, while enabling a global circular economy with full-service IT Asset Disposition and reverse logistics and repair services. Leveraging investments in technical, financial, and marketing resources, Ingram Micro helps customers run their businesses better and grow their technology practices faster. Ingram Micro operates in 59 countries and reaches close to 200 countries. We have approximately 26,000 associates committed to providing our more than 161,000 customers and 1,500 vendor partners worldwide with a superior experience. Our fully digital, AI-driven business platform, known as Ingram Micro Xvantage™, eliminates the friction of doing business in IT and allows our customers to have a more insightful experience both buying and managing technology. We are also fully committed to being a global steward with world-class ESG practices.

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