How to achieve the best ROI when working with influencers

The majority of marketers (84%) have agreed that demonstrating the ROI from working with influencers is the foremost priority for brands. However, marketers are still finding it a challenge, with 22% saying that proving the ROI of influencers has been their toughest challenge.
As influencer marketing grows and becomes embedded into the marketing strategy of brands, understanding how to achieve the best ROI is crucial to justify budget spending to stakeholders.
Choosing the right influencer Influencers are typically split into different categories: mega, macro, micro and nano with each serving a different purpose. The main difference between these influencers is down to the number of followers they have. Mega influencers have audiences of at least one million; macro influencers have followers in the hundreds of thousands; micro have tens of thousands and nano influencers can have as little as a thousand followers.Historically, brands would reach out to the influencer with the highest following, regardless of their speciality. However, instead of looking at the number of followers an influencer has, look at how engaged their audiences are through likes, comments, clicks and views. Micro and nano influencers have less followers but they are more focused in niche areas. If you’ve got a niche product, it is a much more effective strategy to work with these types of influencers to target exactly who you want to; instead of going far and wide in the hope of reaching someone relevant. Your ROI will be much higher if you’re reaching a relevant and engaged audience.


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