Content Marketing

How to Use White Papers to Market Your Business

May 10, 2022

White papers are one of the best ways to market a business or professional services company. This report explains why white papers are so effective in business-to-business marketing and how to create a high-impact white paper for your marketing strategy A white paper is an examination of a topic, business challenge, or issue by an authority on the subject. If you sell products and services to business decisionmakers, a white paper is a powerful marketing tool that can help you establish your credentials as an expert, showcase your knowledge, illuminate or influence the dialogue around a subject, and stand out from competitors.



Enable helps manufacturers, distributors, and retailers take control of their rebate programs and turn them into an engine for growth. Starting in finance and commercial teams, Enable helps better manage rebate complexity with automated real-time data and insights, accurate forecasting, and stronger cross functional alignment. This lets you — and everyone else you authorize in your business — know exactly where you are with rebates. Then you can extend Enable externally to your suppliers and/or customers, setting you and your partners up to use rebates as a strategy with one collaborative place to author, agree, execute, and track the progress of your deals.

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Influencer Marketing Benchmark Report 2020

whitePaper | February 15, 2020

Respondents spent 47% of their influencer budget on micro-influencers (compared to just 23% for celebrity influencers). One of the problems the influencer marketing industry has had has been convincing people that celebrity does not equate with influence. The reality is that people trust micro-influencers far more than they do stars, and are far more likely to take notice of a micro-influencer's recommendation than one made by a celebrity. Therefore it should come as no surprise that brands are moving their influencer marketing towards micro-influencers as education about the industry improves.

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Deliver a Modern Digital CX: A Guide for Marketing Innovators

whitePaper | December 1, 2021

No one fully understands the long-term effect COVID-19 will have on societies or regional economies. But the impact it’s having on brands is becoming clearer by the day. Customer loyalty to brands is low – and the cost of acquiring new customers is high. Marketers need to focus on creating and sustaining engagement with each and every customer. For their new e-book, “Deliver a Modern Digital CX: A Guide for Marketing Innovators,” Acquia worked with Vanson Bourne to collect the views of 8,000 consumers and 800 marketers across Australia, Brazil, France, Germany, Japan, Singapore, the United Kingdom and the United States. Customer behaviors have shifted during the crisis and may not revert to pre-pandemic norms. The survey explores shifts in marketing and consumer expectations about CX and privacy. Download this Research Report to learn how marketers can transform their CX in fundamental, business-impacting ways.

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Through-Channel Demand Gen Has Shifted. Are You Ready?

whitePaper | February 10, 2022

Channel Marketing and the IT Channel ecosystem in general are constantly evolving. The biggest challenge is the multiple changing factors, including the Channel model itself, overarching demand generation strategies, and buyers’ behaviors. In this eBook you’ll uncover how channel demand generation has changed, how to better educate and empower Partners, and what types of content you need to develop to drive demand the RIGHT WAY!

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Liberate marketers! Why now is the time to start taking creative risks again

whitePaper | July 12, 2021

It’s 2021 and we’ve got the digital world at our fingertips. And, digital marketing has become increasingly competitive as we tussle for visibility on social media and to stand out from competitors. It feels like now is the right time to take a risk and embark on a brave new strategy, using different content mediums and creative ideas. But what happens when this isn’t supported or encouraged by C-level management? And where does the role of creativity fit into all this? To discover the answers, digital asset management software company Bright commissioned some research, asking marketers to share their approach to marketing strategy this year and whether there are invisible chains holding them back.

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Three Stages of Legal Digital Transformation

whitePaper | August 5, 2020

It’s time for general counsels (GCs), corporate legal departments, and contract management teams to embrace technological change – and drive business performance and growth. Check out ContractPodAi’s latest e-book. It will help you to embark on your digital transformation journey more successfully.

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Futureproof your B2B digital marketing: The next evolution

whitePaper | July 27, 2020

The key focus for most digital marketers and business websites today is excelling in user navigation (UN) and user experience (UX). It is crucial to maximize these two elements to ensure the desired return. Both UN and UX place the website visitor center stage. At their core, both aim to optimize conversion rate by influencing online behaviours and guiding visitors to relevant web content as quickly as possible.

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Enable helps manufacturers, distributors, and retailers take control of their rebate programs and turn them into an engine for growth. Starting in finance and commercial teams, Enable helps better manage rebate complexity with automated real-time data and insights, accurate forecasting, and stronger cross functional alignment. This lets you — and everyone else you authorize in your business — know exactly where you are with rebates. Then you can extend Enable externally to your suppliers and/or customers, setting you and your partners up to use rebates as a strategy with one collaborative place to author, agree, execute, and track the progress of your deals.
