Effective B2B marketing content that will lead to sales growth

Effective marketing content leads to increased sales productivity, more revenue, greater marketing effectiveness and stronger alignment between marketing and sales. A company's sales strategy is only as successful as the effectiveness of the content that supports it. However, how can companies create strong marketing content to support their sales strategy? How can marketing gain insight into which content drives the most sales to best allocate their resources?


Martin Williams

Our purpose is single-minded. It is to invite and inspire participation between brands and people. In simple ways. In deep ways. Sometimes organically. Sometime spontaneously. And sometimes in the most carefully orchestrated ways imaginable.

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How to Convert More Leads Into Customers

whitePaper | August 1, 2020

Make the most of your opportunities by nurturing your leads through a compelling customer journey that results in great clients and better ROI. Once you've attracted the prospect and secured the lead, you need to nurture your potential clients along an immersive customer journey. This eBook will show you how and why to segment your leads, develop and distribute content for each funnel stage, and promote your products and services through social media and webinars.

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Search engine optimization with Magnolia CMS

whitePaper | August 16, 2020

This Tech Brief shows how to apply search engine optimization (SEO) to enterprise websites by employing best practices together with the built-in tools in Magnolia CMS. We take the key SEO factors identified by the Moz.org consulting group, and pair them with various Magnolia features. Our intended audience is online marketers, people employing web communications, and anyone interested in increasing their site rank.

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18 Ways to Unlock Billions in New Pipeline with Partners

whitePaper | November 1, 2022

Companies that can unlock the right data across their ecosystem can identify billions in additional pipeline for their channel sellers and direct sales teams. This white paper dives into 18 specific strategies to unlock new sales opportunities and drive more revenue with partners.

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12 Best Practices For Omni-Channel Retail Customer Engagement

whitePaper | August 4, 2022

Every retailer aspires to deliver the frictionless , secure omni-channel experiences they know their customers want. They know their customer won’t tolerate bad experiences. And they know the business value of offering experiences that keep shoppers satisfied and loyal. But there’s a big difference between aspiring to great things and accomplishing your goals. For some retailers, the surge in contact volumes during the COVID-19 pandemic was overwhelming. For others, it was a catalyst for ambitious digital transformations that have set them up to handle changing customer expectations and a build competitive advantage.

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The B2B buyer's guide to partnerships software

whitePaper | November 25, 2021

The truth is that most partner relationship management (PRM) software just isn't built for B2B, meaning many SaaS businesses end up choosing partnerships software that fail to scale with their growth, and provide a sub-par experience to partners.

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How Brands Can Thrive in 2022: Predictions for Digital First Marketers

whitePaper | January 13, 2022

In the wake of a historic 2020, 2021 signaled that transformation will not be limited to a single year. The 2020’s will be a transformative decade. 2021 itself was a year of stark contrasts. It began with a wave of optimism and ended with a wave of omicron -- extending the pandemic period and expanding our knowledge of the Greek alphabet.

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Martin Williams

Our purpose is single-minded. It is to invite and inspire participation between brands and people. In simple ways. In deep ways. Sometimes organically. Sometime spontaneously. And sometimes in the most carefully orchestrated ways imaginable.
