Marketing Strategy

Buckle Your Seatbelt — Survey Results Suggest a Channel Sales Surge is Coming

September 9, 2021

Channel Sales
Implementing robust channel management solutions will be critical to scaling operations that drive revenue through expanded ecosystems. That’s a key take-away from a recent survey of channel leaders. With 75% planning to implement partner relationship management solutions this year, channel generated revenue is expected to rise.



ReviMedia is a cutting-edge lead generation company, offering a sophisticated lead exchange with its proprietary platform PX. This Lead Exchange includes a suite of highly innovate tools providing revolutionary technology in lead scoring and verification, therefore guaranteeing the maximum lead quality.

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The Definitive Guide to Building and Growing Profitable Sales Channels using Automation

whitePaper | November 1, 2022

For many industries that rely on indirect sales channels, managing their partners effectively is a frustrating challenge. Most of these organizations develop partner programs to structure policies and procedures that enable them to scale revenues through these partners more rapidly and cost effectively than building a direct sales operation. Technology solutions for PRM are rapidly solving the problems associated with scaling partner programs.

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Omnichannel marketing for customer-driven interactions

whitePaper | September 26, 2022

With the growing impact of mobile apps and digital touchpoints on shopping behavior, customers have more channels to find and buy products. This translates into more opportunities for marketers to connect with and engage such customers. But it also means a great deal more complexity for successful marketing execution.

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How to Convert More Leads Into Customers

whitePaper | August 1, 2020

Make the most of your opportunities by nurturing your leads through a compelling customer journey that results in great clients and better ROI. Once you've attracted the prospect and secured the lead, you need to nurture your potential clients along an immersive customer journey. This eBook will show you how and why to segment your leads, develop and distribute content for each funnel stage, and promote your products and services through social media and webinars.

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Reimagining marketing in the next normal

whitePaper | July 27, 2020

As governments gradually remove pandemic induced restrictions and businesses begin to reopen, there’s a sense that we might be on the verge of returning to “normal.” That is unlikely. During the months of lockdown and self-isolation, we have been, in fact, writing a new future.

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12 Best Practices For Omni-Channel Retail Customer Engagement

whitePaper | August 4, 2022

Every retailer aspires to deliver the frictionless , secure omni-channel experiences they know their customers want. They know their customer won’t tolerate bad experiences. And they know the business value of offering experiences that keep shoppers satisfied and loyal. But there’s a big difference between aspiring to great things and accomplishing your goals. For some retailers, the surge in contact volumes during the COVID-19 pandemic was overwhelming. For others, it was a catalyst for ambitious digital transformations that have set them up to handle changing customer expectations and a build competitive advantage.

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Choosing an ERP implementation partner

whitePaper | September 20, 2022

Selecting the right ERP is only the first step in moving to your new solution. You must also decide who is going to help you put the system into action – your implementation partner. Your successful implementation will depend as much on your finding the right partner as with finding the right software.

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ReviMedia is a cutting-edge lead generation company, offering a sophisticated lead exchange with its proprietary platform PX. This Lead Exchange includes a suite of highly innovate tools providing revolutionary technology in lead scoring and verification, therefore guaranteeing the maximum lead quality.
