Poll Results and Audience Q&A for Partner Performance Dashboards

Partner Performance Dashboards
In our webinar “Partner Performance Dashboards for Tomorrow’s Channel Ecosystem”, we asked a number of poll questions. Tune into this extract ‘Poll results and Audience Q&A’ to gain insights from our expert panel consisting of Jeremy Butt (RingCentral), Balaji Subramanian (IGEL) and Kenneth Fox (Channel Mechanics).
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How to Prove ROI for Your Total Event Program

Lead generating marketers are always plotting how to meet and exceed lead targets, convert leads, and prove their impact. And events are a reliably strong channel to create leads and advance opportunities. But, let’s be real, tracking data and proving ROI across a total event program composed of multiple event formats (in-person, virtual, hybrid) and varying event types (trade shows, user conference, etc.) is tough.
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Introduction to Rule Based Facebook Ads Optimization

AdEspresso, Inc

In today’s video we’re proud to present our first release of Rule Based Facebook Ads Optimization. Checking your campaigns every day looking for underperforming ads can be a boring and time-consuming task. Thanks to our new release you can now define optimization rules that AdEspresso will automatically apply for you, every day!
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How to Create Professional B2B Video Content for Non-Video Producers


Everyone and their second cousin wants more video content; it's the medium that today's buyers crave. But not every marketer has the ability or the funds to sign a full production house for every video project. That's why today's savviest marketers are bringing video production in house.
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How to integrate Google Ads in your marketing strategy and set up your campaigns for success


Want to run Google Ads campaigns, but don’t know where to start? Watch this webinar and learn how to add Google Ads powered by AdEspresso to your digital marketing strategy. Today, customer’s online behavior has completely revolutionized the concept of the customer journey. That journey is now more fragmented than ever before. Users are constantly connected, moving across devices, platforms and exposed to increasing amounts of information while making purchasing decisions.From a marketing point of view, this shift in consumer behavior calls for integrated marketing strategies across media, in order to be as effective as possible throughout the entire marketing funnel.Google Ads offer a wide stack of powerful solutions to intercept and interact with potential customers along the different stages of their online journey. In this webinar, we will present Google Search Ads, a foundational component any digital marketer should include in her/his strategy. Google Search Ads allow advertisers to get in touch with “high-value users”, i.e. those that are showing a strong interest towards a certain product/service and are actively searching for it online!
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