CMO Fireside Chat: 2019 B2B Social Media Predictions

As social media platforms and tools continue to grow in sophistication and complexity, most brands are struggling to keep up. Because the sophistication, complexity, and hypergrowth of the social media ecosystem requires applying more thoughtfulness and rigor to the plan-execute-measure cycle than ever before. Gathering data, optimizing campaigns, communicating effectively, and, of course, generating revenue require that businesses are making the most of the strategies and tools they’re already using, and staying ahead of the curve as they put together future plans.
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The State of Marketing Leadership

Find out what marketers have learned amid the challenges of the last two years, and gain insight into the future of marketing talent, technology, and strategy. Plus, hear key “State of Marketing Leadership” report highlights from Drift’s Katie Foote, SVP, revenue marketing, and Mark Kilens, vice president, content and community.
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Channel Partner Marketing: One Size Does Not Fit All

This webinar highlights why a catch-all, 'campaign-in-a-box' approach to channel Partner marketing is broken and how to create an evolved partner marketing programme. Sherpa Marketing needs the contact information you provide to us to contact you about our products and services. You may unsubscribe from these communications at any time. For information on how to unsubscribe, as well as our privacy practices and commitment to protecting your privacy, please review our Privacy Policy.
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13 Ways Lubricant Marketers Use CRM to Drive Success

You may be familiar with Customer Relationship Management, or “CRM” solutions like Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics 365, Sugar CRM, and others. You likely have a CRM solution in place at your company, but are you getting the greatest bang for your buck? Are you taking advantage of the full capabilities CRM can provide Lubricant Marketers?
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Understanding Google’s Next 20 Years


Hi everyone! First, I want to kick things off with a little bit of scary news. This past year, Rand Fishkin from SEO Moz, now of SparkToro, released this slide in one of his presentations about the ever-changing SERPs and on-SERP SEO, to discuss some trends that we’ve been seeing in terms of where traffic is really headed. In his presentation, Rand compared organic traffic starting on February 2016 to February 2018, to see what big changes occurred in terms of traffic. If we start with the top row and look at desktop, we can see that in general, desktop between 2016 and 2018 is the same-ish. Paid traffic grew just slightly. And then there’s this “no clicks” category – and this no clicks category is really intriguing, because this means there’s information that’s coming from Google’s own properties, or from various search integrations that basically are not delivering traffic to your site, so that’s 34% of searches that don’t result in a click.
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