Q&A with Jaime Punishill, CMO at Lionbridge

Jaime Punishill, CMO at Lionbridge is an innovative marketing, channel, and product executive with a proven track record for finding blue ocean strategies and delivering scalable business operations.

Jaime is also an expert in operationalizing design thinking, translating new concepts and trends into workable business plans and operations, and delivering pragmatic innovation within a large enterprise.

MEDIA 7: Could you tell us about your role and journey into marketing?
As Chief Marketing Officer for Lionbridge, I oversee brand, demand gen, corporate communications, marketing, and customer research. Interestingly enough, I’m not a classic marketer by training. I have spent most of my career on the product side and in digital transformation. I’ve been doing that since the mid-1990s. At some point, it became clear that marketing was the next area that universal digital transformation was going to overtake, and areas like user experience and many other digital functions that had been done separately were going to move under the remit of marketing. I slowly moved into the marketing universe and helped with big digital transformation in my previous company. That led me to take on all our brand, advertising, and integrated marketing. In that way, I ended up with a more traditional marketing role, and that led me to Lionbridge.

M7: As a CMO, what are the biggest challenges you face?
One of the biggest challenges is the unbelievable explosion in the martech space. I get over 300-400 emails and dozens of phone calls every day from different vendors who are trying to push different tools to help optimize the new digital experience. Keeping track of the rapid pace of evolution and trying to integrate all those tools is single-handedly probably one of the biggest challenges for CMOs. It swallows historical challenges, like getting the company to buy into a new understanding of the digital universe, or getting people to appreciate customer research and customer feedback.
These are always challenges, but they are all lower in scale now than just sheer digital transformation and the volume of tools and resources that accompany that transformation. There’s so much noise, and it’s really hard to tell what’s real and what’s not real.

"Keeping track of the rapid pace of evolution and trying to integrate all those tools is single-handedly probably one of the biggest challenges for CMOs."

M7: What was the most successful marketing campaign you have ever worked on? What made it so successful?
In my previous organization, we led a re-brand of the company in its first-ever national advertising campaign. That meant we weren’t constrained by existing rules and assumptions about how things had to be done, so we were able to quite creatively and innovatively harness several digital channels in a way that many of our competitors hadn’t. In terms of revenue or asset flows, new customers, traffic to the website and just about every other metric, it was a tremendous lift. That’s probably the single-most effective marketing campaign I’ve worked on, and it was completely comprehensive. It had a brand component, a communications component, a community component. It had very specific direct targeting and campaigns along with a goal of raising basic awareness. We were targeting by social media profile and audience. I think it was successful largely because it was multi-faceted and end-to-end.

M7: At Lionbridge, how do you see AI evolving with digital media?
For AI, we are still really in a hype-cycle. There is absolutely no doubt that AI and everything that falls under its purview will have a profound impact on the scale, data, and decisions we are able to process as marketers. The number of simulations and tests we will be able to run to optimize a campaign or project pre-launch, plus the ability for us to pivot real-time and use new insights, will be absolutely profound. But I think we are still very early in the journey. There’s more hype than substance right now. I’m not skeptical about AI’s eventual impact at all. But right now, the tools are not mature, and we are not mature in our understanding of AI, even regarding some of the most impactful ways to use it. So, I’m super optimistic over a 3-5-7-year period. But, I’m very skeptical over a 6-12-24-months period.

"AI and everything that falls under its purview will have a profound impact on the scale, data, and decisions we are able to process as marketers."

M7: How does the acquisition of Gengo strengthen Lionbridge’s position in machine learning?
JP: We are one of the world leaders in AI training data services. The fuel that makes AI work effectively is incredibly high volumes of high-quality data. And the problem is, as we know, most organizations have not done a good job being stewards of their data. Their data exists in lots of places, their data is not clean, it’s not annotated or mapped, there’s no organizing taxonomy around its structure. CDPs are still relatively early for a lot of folks, and so the catch is that you have lots of data, but that data may be largely unusable. Sort of like, there is a lot of oil in the ground, but just because the oil is in the ground doesn’t mean you have gas that works in your car or in a plane. A lot has to happen to refine it, to get it ready. The same is true with data “fuel.”

The good news is that we are one of the world leaders in helping companies refine their data so it’s usable in training their AI systems. Identifying and collecting data, and giving that data meaning, for example, is it metadata or actual data, is that an important variable or not an important variable, etc., is an integral step in the machine learning process. We help companies collect data, organize it, give it meaning so it can best feed our customers’ AI platforms.

We do this by activating our one million-strong SmartCrowd. The Gengo platform really helps us create a scalable system that will allow more companies to be able to improve the quality of their AI training data and, in turn, the quality of their AI.

M7: How do you stay updated on the latest trends in marketing technology?
I read a lot. I get a couple of hundred emails a day. Part of that is because I sign up for lots of different sources of information. I think you have to consume a tremendous amount of information right now to pull in all the weak signals. And I probably dedicate more of my days than I would normally to looking at new capabilities just to keep me informed and up-to-date. This allows me to get a sense of when I think something is at a point where we can use it and harness something early for a strategic advantage.

"Most organizations have not done a good job being stewards of their data. Their data exists in lots of places, their data is not clean, it’s not annotated or mapped, there’s no organizing taxonomy around its structure."

M7: What are the top 3 trends that you foresee for 2019 going into 2020?
We are going to hear more about AI. We will see more examples of it not working in the next 18 months than we will see examples of it working, but I think that’s a short-term phenomenon, and we will work out the issues.

I think there is absolutely no doubt that we are going to see an increase in the production and consumption of video and its import in the production cycle. People are consuming more and more videos, and even B2B buyers are much more heavily consuming videos as a way to absorb a lot of information in a pretty short period of time. In 2-3 minutes, you can convey a lot more, and frankly people can understand a lot more than if they spend 20 minutes reading a whitepaper or something of that nature.

And clearly, voice search is on a big rise. There are a couple of key reasons for that. If you think about the US workforce, half of it now only knows a universe where Google is the dominant information organizational paradigm. Pair that with the sheer explosion of speech applications and devices, whether in your home, in your car, or in your hand—today, every phone is speech-enabled. It’s clear that all the large players are investing a tremendous amount of effort into proving the quality of voice search, and an increasing number of users are speaking to a device or multiple devices to get information. That’s a real challenge for organizations and marketers, because the way people speak to their device and physically ask for information is not the same as how they type a query into a search engine. So, the whole way in which we optimize and organize for search results in a voice-search world is quite different than in a text-based or type-based universe.  

M7: What is your superpower?
I’m not really sure I have a superpower. But there’s something I think I do that seems to be more of a struggle for some others. I’m able to assemble a collection of weak signals to predict what is going to happen before it happens. I really believe all the information is there, but I seem to be able to use that information to make some good bets about what the future holds.


Lionbridge partners with brands to break barriers and build bridges all over the world. For more than 20 years, we have helped companies connect with global customers by delivering marketing, testing and globalization services in more than 300 languages. Through our world-class platform, we orchestrate a network of 500,000 passionate experts in 5,000-plus cities, who partner with brands to create culturally rich experiences. Relentless in our love for linguistics, we use the best of human and machine intelligence to forge understanding that resonates with our customers’ customers. Based in Waltham, Mass., Lionbridge maintains solution centers in 27 countries. Learn more at www.lionbridge.com.

More C-Suite on deck

A customer-centric approach is crucial to building successful partner ecosystems, says Heather Tenuto, CRO at Zift Solutions

Media 7 | September 28, 2022

Heather Tenuto, Chief Revenue Officer at Zift Solutions, elaborates on her expertise in channel marketing, sales, and operations and how ZiftONE provides a streamlined and comprehensive channel management solution. Read on to learn more about her thoughts on IT channel partners and how cultivating a revenue strategy helps maintain a partner ecosystem. Q.1. Tell us about your journey into channel strategy and indirect sales. How was it different from direct sales? A.1. I started my sales career right out of college working for a Sun Microsystems reseller. I was on the direct side, but worked closely with supplier reps and took note of the difference in our jobs. I ended up leaving sales for two years to participate in NYC’s Teaching Fellows program. In that program, I was a 9th grade English teacher in a “hard-to-staff” high school in Manhattan.  It was an amazing experience where I learned the power of influence in an environment where you often don’t have direct control. These skills served me well as I transitioned back into sales with a focus on building channels. Just like the classroom, enablement is key, and I was soon able to use my skills to develop and evolve channel organizations for highly transitional suppliers. Q.2. How effectively do you think IT channel partners are adapting to dynamic buyer journeys? How has this shift impacted revenue prediction across the industry? A.2. IT channel partners have come to realize that buyers are choosing the way they want to consume products and services; it’s left to the rest of us to adapt.  IT partners can be more agile than their supplier partners. They are the first to hear buyer demands and often have the flexibility to meet them. However, this asks their supplier partners to be less rigid with programs to allow IT partners to meet the evolving demands of end-users.  All this flexibility makes revenue prediction more difficult, but not impossible.

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Marketing is now more focused on revenue than it has ever been, says Sam O’Brien, CMO at Affise.

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Sam O’Brien, CMO at Affise discusses Affise's powerful business intelligence tools and their sales strategies. Read on to know more about his thoughts on digitization and content personalization in his latest interview with Media 7.

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Forsta's Noel Hamill believes that being mindful of human experiences helps to stay relevant and competitive

Media 7 | January 19, 2022

Noel Hamill, Chief Marketing & Digital Officer at Forsta, takes us through his enriching professional journey and discovering the power of technology to create the smartest, most actionable fuelled by efficient and strong research. Read on to find out more about Forsta's powerful suite of tools that transcends methodological and data silos.

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A customer-centric approach is crucial to building successful partner ecosystems, says Heather Tenuto, CRO at Zift Solutions

Media 7 | September 28, 2022

Heather Tenuto, Chief Revenue Officer at Zift Solutions, elaborates on her expertise in channel marketing, sales, and operations and how ZiftONE provides a streamlined and comprehensive channel management solution. Read on to learn more about her thoughts on IT channel partners and how cultivating a revenue strategy helps maintain a partner ecosystem. Q.1. Tell us about your journey into channel strategy and indirect sales. How was it different from direct sales? A.1. I started my sales career right out of college working for a Sun Microsystems reseller. I was on the direct side, but worked closely with supplier reps and took note of the difference in our jobs. I ended up leaving sales for two years to participate in NYC’s Teaching Fellows program. In that program, I was a 9th grade English teacher in a “hard-to-staff” high school in Manhattan.  It was an amazing experience where I learned the power of influence in an environment where you often don’t have direct control. These skills served me well as I transitioned back into sales with a focus on building channels. Just like the classroom, enablement is key, and I was soon able to use my skills to develop and evolve channel organizations for highly transitional suppliers. Q.2. How effectively do you think IT channel partners are adapting to dynamic buyer journeys? How has this shift impacted revenue prediction across the industry? A.2. IT channel partners have come to realize that buyers are choosing the way they want to consume products and services; it’s left to the rest of us to adapt.  IT partners can be more agile than their supplier partners. They are the first to hear buyer demands and often have the flexibility to meet them. However, this asks their supplier partners to be less rigid with programs to allow IT partners to meet the evolving demands of end-users.  All this flexibility makes revenue prediction more difficult, but not impossible.

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Marketing is now more focused on revenue than it has ever been, says Sam O’Brien, CMO at Affise.

Media 7 | February 14, 2022

Sam O’Brien, CMO at Affise discusses Affise's powerful business intelligence tools and their sales strategies. Read on to know more about his thoughts on digitization and content personalization in his latest interview with Media 7.

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Forsta's Noel Hamill believes that being mindful of human experiences helps to stay relevant and competitive

Media 7 | January 19, 2022

Noel Hamill, Chief Marketing & Digital Officer at Forsta, takes us through his enriching professional journey and discovering the power of technology to create the smartest, most actionable fuelled by efficient and strong research. Read on to find out more about Forsta's powerful suite of tools that transcends methodological and data silos.

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Channel Partnerships

Webvar Announces Launch of New Platform for Channel Partners

EIN News | January 03, 2024

Webvar, a dynamic 3-sided enterprise software platform that enhances the experience for buyers, vendors, and resellers from discovery to fulfillment on cloud marketplaces, today announced the launch of a new platform designed to assist channel partners in scaling their business on AWS Marketplace. Fully integrated with AWS Marketplace, the platform streamlines backend operations and simplifies the management of private offers and contracts, while providing customers a complete digital marketplace experience from discovery to fulfillment. The platform does more than just make operations easier – it helps businesses expand and get paid quicker. With the rapid growth of cloud marketplaces, there is a huge opportunity for businesses. Around $300 billion is locked in committed spend on the top three cloud marketplaces. The shift to online sales for software is just starting, and the new platform helps manage that shift. As a part of the new platform, Webvar has launched a unique Marketplace-as-a-service (Maas) offering, allowing businesses to leverage Webvar’s solutions while maintaining their brand identity. MaaS allows brands to offer a personalized marketplace experience to their customers by curating a catalog of approved products. They can create unique sets for different accounts within the client’s organization to help them easily find and deploy vetted products. "Our new service, Marketplace as a Service (MaaS), is more than just a way to find products. It's designed specifically for channel partners, offering a white-label solution that they can use without needing to invest resources in building a marketplace,” said Maxim Tarasiouk, Webvar CEO. “Recently, Webvar assisted a Canadian channel partner in scaling their revenue to $6 million, in a jurisdiction where AWS Marketplace does not operate. Our goal is to empower channel partners to scale on cloud marketplaces while delivering a cutting-edge buying experience to their customers,” he added. About Webvar Webvar is a platform that simplifies and accelerates enterprise software commerce for buyers, vendors, and channel partners. Founded by Maxim Tarasiouk, a professional with 10+ years experience at industry leaders like Crowdstrike and Proofpoint, Webvar aims to unify the fragmented software ecosystem. The platform offers an intuitive interface and powerful tools that allow users to streamline transactions, make informed decisions, and automate time-consuming processes, all while enjoying a streamlined marketplace experience from start to finish. Backed by FJ Labs, Webvar is an AWS APN partner and an official Crowdstrike partner.

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Channel Partnerships

ZINFI Releases Its Latest Complimentary Best Practices Guidebook: "The Ultimate Guide to Channel Partner Management"

PR Newswire | January 04, 2024

ZINFI Technologies, Inc., a company leading the definition and creation of Unified Partner Management (UPM) solutions, today announced that its latest best practices guide —The Ultimate Guide to Channel Partner Management — is now available as a complimentary downloadable eBook. Among the most comprehensive and practical guides to partner management, the guidebook was designed to help organization of all sizes and in every industry learn how to unlock new markets, innovate faster, and deliver better customer experiences. The Ultimate Guide to Channel Partner Management consists of 10 detailed chapters based on common questions from business professionals, including: What Are the Different Types of Channel Partners? How to Find and Recruit Channel Partner What Are the Benefits of Having Channel Partners? How to Choose the Right Channel Partners for Your Business How to Get Started with Channel Partnerships How to Align Partners with Overall Business Strategy What Are the Challenges of Managing Channel Partners? How Do We Evolve Channel Partnerships over Time? What Are the Best Practices for Channel Partnership Management? What Are the Future Trends in Channel Partnerships? "We know that effective partnerships can significantly extend a company's market reach, enhance product distribution and fortify its competitive edge," said Sugata Sanyal, CEO and founder of ZINFI Technologies. "Channel partners are not just another route to market. Indeed, they are a strategic asset that, when managed well, can become a source of sustained competitive advantage. But what exactly constitutes a channel partner, and how can a business harness a robust network of partners to realize its full potential? We created this new guidebook to provide detailed answers to a whole host of questions like these that people ask us every day as they try to understand how to unleash the power of partner relationships and partner ecosystems. The future of channel partnerships is bright, and this guidebook is just what business executives and marketing professionals need to prepare for a world of opportunity." The Ultimate Guide to Channel Partner Management can be downloaded here: https://www.zinfi.com/guidebooks/channel-partner-management-ultimate-guide/ ZINFI has consistently been named a PRM "leader" by G2, the world's leading business solutions review website. ZINFI has earned this distinction over multiple consecutive quarters dating back to 2019, most recently in G2's Winter 2024 G2 Grid® Report for Partner Management Software. G2 scores are based on the responses of real, verified users and data aggregated from online sources and social networks. To access more information about ZINFI's partner relationship management platform or to download a copy of ZINFI's best practices guide on partner relationship management, please visit our website at www.zinfi.com. You can also follow ZINFI Technologies on LinkedIn and at the ZINFI Channel Marketing Best Practices blog. ZINFI offers its potential customers a 30-day free trial (no credit card required) providing access to its entire Unified Partner Marketing (UPM) automation platform. This will allow any prospective buyers to test-drive its industry-leading channel management applications before making a purchase decision. About ZINFI Technologies ZINFI Technologies, Inc., a company leading the definition and creation of Unified Partner Management (UPM) solutions, enables vendors and their channel partners to seamlessly collaborate in a virtual environment to achieve profitable growth on a global SaaS platform. Headquartered in Silicon Valley, USA, we at ZINFI see an immense opportunity to build high-performing sales channels by deploying a powerful virtual collaboration platform that has been rated #1 by leading analyst firms for simple to complex enterprise channels. ZINFI's state-of-the-art SaaS Unified Partner Management (UPM) automation platform allows brands and their global partner networks to work together remotely throughout the entire partner lifecycle via three core state-of-the-art SaaS applications—partner relationship management, partner marketing management and partner sales management. ZINFI's UPM is super easy to use and affordably priced, and it comes with a complete set of do-it-yourself tools in multiple languages.

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Channel Partnerships

ServiceNow Unveils Next Wave of Partner Program Transformation with New Specializations

Business Wire | January 24, 2024

ServiceNow (NYSE: NOW), the leading digital workflow company making the world work better for everyone, today unveiled the next wave of partner program transformation with new Specializations. As part of the revamped ServiceNow partner program announced in January 2023, the recently developed Partner Specializations are the next step in the partner program evolution for partners to unlock new revenue opportunities and earn a range of benefits to further grow their practice. Announced today at ServiceNow Partner Kickoff in Las Vegas, partners can obtain three Specializations which include Service Operations, Serve the Customer, and Power the Employee. ServiceNow is on a path to significantly increase the percentage of net new revenue sourced by partners in the coming years by supporting partners who build the ServiceNow platform into the core of their business models. Partners can acquire the new Specializations by showcasing a combination of product and sales expertise through customer wins and a go-to-market strategy. The new Partner Specializations showcase partners’ unique strengths in the market and encourage innovative ways to continue to grow their ServiceNow practice. “Last year at this time, we made a massive commitment to our partner community by completely transforming our partner program to ensure that partners are front and center in everything we do as a company,” said Erica Volini, senior vice president, global partnerships at ServiceNow. “With the launch of Specializations, our customers can easily identify partners with the best experience and expertise they need to help solve some of their biggest digital transformation challenges.” Obtaining a Specialization will help partners in three critical areas: Differentiate among the ecosystem:Partners will receive badging that will appear across their ServiceNow profiles with increased visibility on the ServiceNow Partner Finder. Prospective customers will also be able to search partner experts in Partner Finder based on the current Specializations. Unlock new revenue opportunities:Each Specialization addresses a pressing customer need that presents a large, untapped market opportunity and high year-over-year growth. Earn benefits to grow ServiceNow practices:ServiceNow will offer additional benefits for partners to build and grow their business through invitation to the ServiceNow Partner Advisory Council to ensure their needs and counsel are being addressed across the broader ServiceNow ecosystem. Qualifying partners will also have access to ServiceNow co-marketing programs and the ServiceNow Partner Development Fund announced last January. The program is launching with three Specializations, Service Operations, Serve the Customer and Power the Employee, that present large market opportunities with high year-over-year growth and a large total addressable market (TAM). All Specializations can be obtained at the regional and global level as well as two levels of achievement for further differentiation. Additional Partner Specializations are expected to be launched in 2024. The three Partner Specializations are expected to be available for partners to obtain starting in ServiceNow’s second quarter of 2024. Many partners have already expressed their feedback on the importance of the ServiceNow Partner Specializations including: Jason Rosenfeld, Senior Vice President at Cask: “ServiceNow’s new Partner Specializations offer an opportunity for Cask to showcase our unique consulting expertise and change management solutions to drive digital transformation across enterprises. Program updates like subsequent badging and product line achievements provide greater reach and visibility with organizations looking for the best partner to meet their specific needs. We believe Specializations and the partner finder are a winning combo for connecting customers with the right support and implementations.” Michael Lombardo, Chief Executive Officer at GlideFast Consulting: “We’re thrilled about the new designations to ServiceNow’s Partner Program. With new Partner Specializations, we can continue expanding our technical consulting services and delivering deep ServiceNow expertise to new markets. We look forward to helping customers find value in the Now Platform.” Michael Vadini, Chief Executive Officer at Infocenter:“Today, organizations are looking for a collaborative partner for support with the adoption and scale of new technologies. ServiceNow’s new Partner Specializations will help Infocenter build industry-specific solutions and accelerate technology for customers and their businesses more quickly. We are excited about the enhanced benefits offered by ServiceNow and the continued focus on partners.” Jon Reynolds, Senior VP Global Alliances & Corp Development at Thirdera, a Cognizant Company:“As our company looks to further expand our work across different industries, we’re focused on differentiating our services and ServiceNow platform expertise. ServiceNow's comprehensive Partner Program provides valued guidance and incentives to improve how we advise, implement and optimize technology for businesses worldwide. ServiceNow sets a standard for what it means to be an innovative partner.” ServiceNow is also launching a brand-new partner channel on LinkedIn. Join the new social community for the latest ServiceNow partner news here. For more information on the ServiceNow Partner Specializations visit here. About ServiceNow ServiceNow (NYSE: NOW) makes the world work better for everyone. Our cloud-based platform and solutions help digitize and unify organizations so that they can find smarter, faster, better ways to make work flow. So employees and customers can be more connected, more innovative, and more agile. And we can all create the future we imagine. The world works with ServiceNow™. For more information, visit: www.servicenow.com.

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Channel Partnerships

Webvar Announces Launch of New Platform for Channel Partners

EIN News | January 03, 2024

Webvar, a dynamic 3-sided enterprise software platform that enhances the experience for buyers, vendors, and resellers from discovery to fulfillment on cloud marketplaces, today announced the launch of a new platform designed to assist channel partners in scaling their business on AWS Marketplace. Fully integrated with AWS Marketplace, the platform streamlines backend operations and simplifies the management of private offers and contracts, while providing customers a complete digital marketplace experience from discovery to fulfillment. The platform does more than just make operations easier – it helps businesses expand and get paid quicker. With the rapid growth of cloud marketplaces, there is a huge opportunity for businesses. Around $300 billion is locked in committed spend on the top three cloud marketplaces. The shift to online sales for software is just starting, and the new platform helps manage that shift. As a part of the new platform, Webvar has launched a unique Marketplace-as-a-service (Maas) offering, allowing businesses to leverage Webvar’s solutions while maintaining their brand identity. MaaS allows brands to offer a personalized marketplace experience to their customers by curating a catalog of approved products. They can create unique sets for different accounts within the client’s organization to help them easily find and deploy vetted products. "Our new service, Marketplace as a Service (MaaS), is more than just a way to find products. It's designed specifically for channel partners, offering a white-label solution that they can use without needing to invest resources in building a marketplace,” said Maxim Tarasiouk, Webvar CEO. “Recently, Webvar assisted a Canadian channel partner in scaling their revenue to $6 million, in a jurisdiction where AWS Marketplace does not operate. Our goal is to empower channel partners to scale on cloud marketplaces while delivering a cutting-edge buying experience to their customers,” he added. About Webvar Webvar is a platform that simplifies and accelerates enterprise software commerce for buyers, vendors, and channel partners. Founded by Maxim Tarasiouk, a professional with 10+ years experience at industry leaders like Crowdstrike and Proofpoint, Webvar aims to unify the fragmented software ecosystem. The platform offers an intuitive interface and powerful tools that allow users to streamline transactions, make informed decisions, and automate time-consuming processes, all while enjoying a streamlined marketplace experience from start to finish. Backed by FJ Labs, Webvar is an AWS APN partner and an official Crowdstrike partner.

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Channel Partnerships

ZINFI Releases Its Latest Complimentary Best Practices Guidebook: "The Ultimate Guide to Channel Partner Management"

PR Newswire | January 04, 2024

ZINFI Technologies, Inc., a company leading the definition and creation of Unified Partner Management (UPM) solutions, today announced that its latest best practices guide —The Ultimate Guide to Channel Partner Management — is now available as a complimentary downloadable eBook. Among the most comprehensive and practical guides to partner management, the guidebook was designed to help organization of all sizes and in every industry learn how to unlock new markets, innovate faster, and deliver better customer experiences. The Ultimate Guide to Channel Partner Management consists of 10 detailed chapters based on common questions from business professionals, including: What Are the Different Types of Channel Partners? How to Find and Recruit Channel Partner What Are the Benefits of Having Channel Partners? How to Choose the Right Channel Partners for Your Business How to Get Started with Channel Partnerships How to Align Partners with Overall Business Strategy What Are the Challenges of Managing Channel Partners? How Do We Evolve Channel Partnerships over Time? What Are the Best Practices for Channel Partnership Management? What Are the Future Trends in Channel Partnerships? "We know that effective partnerships can significantly extend a company's market reach, enhance product distribution and fortify its competitive edge," said Sugata Sanyal, CEO and founder of ZINFI Technologies. "Channel partners are not just another route to market. Indeed, they are a strategic asset that, when managed well, can become a source of sustained competitive advantage. But what exactly constitutes a channel partner, and how can a business harness a robust network of partners to realize its full potential? We created this new guidebook to provide detailed answers to a whole host of questions like these that people ask us every day as they try to understand how to unleash the power of partner relationships and partner ecosystems. The future of channel partnerships is bright, and this guidebook is just what business executives and marketing professionals need to prepare for a world of opportunity." The Ultimate Guide to Channel Partner Management can be downloaded here: https://www.zinfi.com/guidebooks/channel-partner-management-ultimate-guide/ ZINFI has consistently been named a PRM "leader" by G2, the world's leading business solutions review website. ZINFI has earned this distinction over multiple consecutive quarters dating back to 2019, most recently in G2's Winter 2024 G2 Grid® Report for Partner Management Software. G2 scores are based on the responses of real, verified users and data aggregated from online sources and social networks. To access more information about ZINFI's partner relationship management platform or to download a copy of ZINFI's best practices guide on partner relationship management, please visit our website at www.zinfi.com. You can also follow ZINFI Technologies on LinkedIn and at the ZINFI Channel Marketing Best Practices blog. ZINFI offers its potential customers a 30-day free trial (no credit card required) providing access to its entire Unified Partner Marketing (UPM) automation platform. This will allow any prospective buyers to test-drive its industry-leading channel management applications before making a purchase decision. About ZINFI Technologies ZINFI Technologies, Inc., a company leading the definition and creation of Unified Partner Management (UPM) solutions, enables vendors and their channel partners to seamlessly collaborate in a virtual environment to achieve profitable growth on a global SaaS platform. Headquartered in Silicon Valley, USA, we at ZINFI see an immense opportunity to build high-performing sales channels by deploying a powerful virtual collaboration platform that has been rated #1 by leading analyst firms for simple to complex enterprise channels. ZINFI's state-of-the-art SaaS Unified Partner Management (UPM) automation platform allows brands and their global partner networks to work together remotely throughout the entire partner lifecycle via three core state-of-the-art SaaS applications—partner relationship management, partner marketing management and partner sales management. ZINFI's UPM is super easy to use and affordably priced, and it comes with a complete set of do-it-yourself tools in multiple languages.

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Channel Partnerships

ServiceNow Unveils Next Wave of Partner Program Transformation with New Specializations

Business Wire | January 24, 2024

ServiceNow (NYSE: NOW), the leading digital workflow company making the world work better for everyone, today unveiled the next wave of partner program transformation with new Specializations. As part of the revamped ServiceNow partner program announced in January 2023, the recently developed Partner Specializations are the next step in the partner program evolution for partners to unlock new revenue opportunities and earn a range of benefits to further grow their practice. Announced today at ServiceNow Partner Kickoff in Las Vegas, partners can obtain three Specializations which include Service Operations, Serve the Customer, and Power the Employee. ServiceNow is on a path to significantly increase the percentage of net new revenue sourced by partners in the coming years by supporting partners who build the ServiceNow platform into the core of their business models. Partners can acquire the new Specializations by showcasing a combination of product and sales expertise through customer wins and a go-to-market strategy. The new Partner Specializations showcase partners’ unique strengths in the market and encourage innovative ways to continue to grow their ServiceNow practice. “Last year at this time, we made a massive commitment to our partner community by completely transforming our partner program to ensure that partners are front and center in everything we do as a company,” said Erica Volini, senior vice president, global partnerships at ServiceNow. “With the launch of Specializations, our customers can easily identify partners with the best experience and expertise they need to help solve some of their biggest digital transformation challenges.” Obtaining a Specialization will help partners in three critical areas: Differentiate among the ecosystem:Partners will receive badging that will appear across their ServiceNow profiles with increased visibility on the ServiceNow Partner Finder. Prospective customers will also be able to search partner experts in Partner Finder based on the current Specializations. Unlock new revenue opportunities:Each Specialization addresses a pressing customer need that presents a large, untapped market opportunity and high year-over-year growth. Earn benefits to grow ServiceNow practices:ServiceNow will offer additional benefits for partners to build and grow their business through invitation to the ServiceNow Partner Advisory Council to ensure their needs and counsel are being addressed across the broader ServiceNow ecosystem. Qualifying partners will also have access to ServiceNow co-marketing programs and the ServiceNow Partner Development Fund announced last January. The program is launching with three Specializations, Service Operations, Serve the Customer and Power the Employee, that present large market opportunities with high year-over-year growth and a large total addressable market (TAM). All Specializations can be obtained at the regional and global level as well as two levels of achievement for further differentiation. Additional Partner Specializations are expected to be launched in 2024. The three Partner Specializations are expected to be available for partners to obtain starting in ServiceNow’s second quarter of 2024. Many partners have already expressed their feedback on the importance of the ServiceNow Partner Specializations including: Jason Rosenfeld, Senior Vice President at Cask: “ServiceNow’s new Partner Specializations offer an opportunity for Cask to showcase our unique consulting expertise and change management solutions to drive digital transformation across enterprises. Program updates like subsequent badging and product line achievements provide greater reach and visibility with organizations looking for the best partner to meet their specific needs. We believe Specializations and the partner finder are a winning combo for connecting customers with the right support and implementations.” Michael Lombardo, Chief Executive Officer at GlideFast Consulting: “We’re thrilled about the new designations to ServiceNow’s Partner Program. With new Partner Specializations, we can continue expanding our technical consulting services and delivering deep ServiceNow expertise to new markets. We look forward to helping customers find value in the Now Platform.” Michael Vadini, Chief Executive Officer at Infocenter:“Today, organizations are looking for a collaborative partner for support with the adoption and scale of new technologies. ServiceNow’s new Partner Specializations will help Infocenter build industry-specific solutions and accelerate technology for customers and their businesses more quickly. We are excited about the enhanced benefits offered by ServiceNow and the continued focus on partners.” Jon Reynolds, Senior VP Global Alliances & Corp Development at Thirdera, a Cognizant Company:“As our company looks to further expand our work across different industries, we’re focused on differentiating our services and ServiceNow platform expertise. ServiceNow's comprehensive Partner Program provides valued guidance and incentives to improve how we advise, implement and optimize technology for businesses worldwide. ServiceNow sets a standard for what it means to be an innovative partner.” ServiceNow is also launching a brand-new partner channel on LinkedIn. Join the new social community for the latest ServiceNow partner news here. For more information on the ServiceNow Partner Specializations visit here. About ServiceNow ServiceNow (NYSE: NOW) makes the world work better for everyone. Our cloud-based platform and solutions help digitize and unify organizations so that they can find smarter, faster, better ways to make work flow. So employees and customers can be more connected, more innovative, and more agile. And we can all create the future we imagine. The world works with ServiceNow™. For more information, visit: www.servicenow.com.

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