Google Announces June 2019 Broad Core Algorithm Update

Google officially announced a broad core update. The update is rolling out on Monday June 3rd, 2019. The announcement was made via the official Twitter account, Google SearchLiaison Google Search Liaison then linked to a tweet from October 11, 2018, which is called An Update about Updates. In it Google counsels that in broad core updates there is generally nothing to fix. The reason they say there is nothing to fix is because core algorithm updates may not generally be about targeting specific kinds of low quality content but rather, about improving relevance.When you talk about content quality, you’re talking about spam. But showing users relevant results is about understanding search queries and understanding content than it is about excluding spam.In a general way, these kinds of updates are about improving how Google understands search queries, improving how Google understands web pages and bringing both sides together to provide more relevant search results.There has been no official comment on whether the Penguin algorithm is a part of the June 2019 Core Algorithm Update.However, it bears noting that on March 2019, Gary Illyes said in a Pubcon Florida keynote address that Google’s team continues to improve the Penguin algorithm.



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