Employer of Record

Simplify Your Ability to Expand Internationally

Employer of Record

Simplify Your Ability to Expand Internationally


For most businesses, international expansion is not just a long-term goal, but a necessity to remain competitive and grow. For example, in a recent Atlas survey, more than 80% of international companies said that they were considering expanding into new markets this year in order to find the right talent for their business.

An Employer of Record, also known as an EOR, is an organisation that can manage the legal, HR, tax, and local compliance responsibilities of your workforce in any country where you don't have an entity already established.

An EOR partner will onboard, manage and pay staff on your behalf while your organization retains the management responsibilities over your talent, looking after the day-to-day management of the employees. In other words, you still call all the shots on hiring, compensation, assignments, duties, and termination, while the EOR partner acts as an HR service to keep your business and your workforce compliant with local laws.

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